Contact Us
Headteacher: Mr Jon Nunes
Backwell School
Station Road
BS48 3BX
Telephone: 01275 463371
Illness and Appointments
Student absence - to report your child absent from school or to inform us of an upcoming medical appointment, please send a message via email to: or leave a message by calling 01275 463371 and selecting option 1.
Exceptional Absence Requests
As outlined in the Lighthouse Schools Partnership (LSP) attendance policy the school cannot and will not authorise school absence unless due to exceptional circumstances.
Please note that the following reasons will not be considered as exceptional (as per government guidelines):
- Visiting relatives
- Cheaper holidays in England and abroad
- Family day trips
- Visiting friends/family that have different holiday periods
- Employment restrictions during the summer holiday
- Because a child has good attendance
If you do wish to request an exceptional absence from school for consideration, please complete the online form below.