This term the Sixth Form team at The Croak – the school’s online newspaper – ran a competition for budding journalists in the lower school. A number of high quality entries were received, and then were judged at a meeting of The Croak team, where the winner and runners-up were chosen. You can read the winning articles on The Croak page on Frog, or by clicking on the links below.
In a closely fought contest, Lois R won the competition overall with her entry about the pleasures of reading. However the team really enjoyed reading some entries on slightly more niche topics, and consequently judged Brandon P and Elliot W’s articles - about electricity pylons and tarmac respectively – as runners-up. All students are currently in Year 11 and deserve to be congratulated for their informative and highly entertaining articles.
The Croak is currently open to any sixth formers who want to contribute. In our meetings, we talk about ideas for articles, in discussions that are very much student-led, and those are then developed and written by students before being uploaded to Frog. The meetings are held fortnightly on Week 1 Tuesday lunchtimes in SF4, and we are always delighted to welcome new contributors.
We would also like to encourage current Year 11 students who will be staying at Backwell for Sixth Form to think about joining us next year; there will be taster session held on Tuesday 2 May for any Year 11 students who think they might be interested.
Well done again to our winner and runners-up of the competition, and thank you to all the students who entered. Particular thanks to Molly D in Year 12, who had the idea for the competition and was instrumental in organising it.
Ms Procter